About Us

Central Drugs Laboratory is a NABL Accredited and WHO Prequalified Laboratory for lot release and lab Access of Vaccines and Antisera as part of National Regulatory Authority and is accredited by National Accreditation Board for testing and calibration Laboratories in the fields of biological testing & chemical testing vide certificate No TC-5586. .

CDL is a WHO approved center for distributing Regional Working References standards for pertussis Vaccine and also supplyling various another National References Standard of various Vaccines to all the vaccine manufacturer in India,which plays vital role of ensuring the quality as well as the consistency of production of vaccines in the country and further the reduce inherent variability due to biological system used for production of Vaccine. .


Sample Receipt & Sample Distribution area
Animal House & Cold Room
Sterility Area, Store, Cold room, Sterility & Antisera staff room, Quality Assurance office, Instrumentation &Analytical Laboratory, Bacterial Vaccine Laboratory
Director's office, Secretariat, Bacterial staff room, Viral Vaccine Laboratory 1&2, Officer-In-Charge Room, Polio vaccine staff room, Viral Vaccine staff room
Archiving Room
Total Area: 27,000 Sq. Feet